X (Xiao) Zhu

X (Xiao) Zhu

Promovendus, Externe medewerker

My name is Xiao Zhu,  from Shanghai, China. Till now I have four degrees, two bachelor's degrees and two master degrees. The first bachelor  degree is  BSc of Pharmaceutical Engineering,  obtained in East China University of Science & Technology. The second bachelor degree is BSc Advanced Technology , obtained in University of Twente, Netherlands.  The first Master degree is MSc Nanotechnology, obtained in University of Twente. And the second Master degree is MSc Biotechnology, recently obtained in Wageningen University & Research.I will be an external PhD candidate under the Professor Renko de VrIes at PCC group for at least 4 years. My project is “computational studies of peptides interacting with solid-liquid interface”. The approaches to study this topic will be molecular dynamics simulation and quantum chemistry simulation.