prof.dr. WJH (Willem) van Berkel
Emeritus ProfessorProfessional career
1974 High School Biochemistry (HBO-B)
1974 Lab Technician Molecular Physics, Wageningen University
1975 Lab Technician Biochemistry, Wageningen University
1981 Lab Assistant Biochemistry, Wageningen University
1986 Assistant Professor Biochemistry, Wageningen University
1989 Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences from Wageningen University
PhD thesis: Structure-function relationship of flavoproteins. Promotor: prof. dr. F. Müller
1993 Assistant Professor Molecular Enzymology, Lab of Biochemistry, Wageningen University
2000 Deputy Chairholder Laboratory of Biochemistry, Wageningen University
2004 Associate Professor Molecular Enzymology, Laboratory of Biochemistry, Wageningen UR
2010 Full Professor Molecular Enzymology, Laboratory of Biochemistry, Wageningen UR
2019 Full Professor Biocatalysis, Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Wageningen UR
Willem van Berkel has made major contributions in the biochemistry, biocatalysis and chemical biology of (redox) enzymes. Currently, he iworks at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry of WUR.