WJH (Wies) Ruyters MSc

WJH (Wies) Ruyters MSc


As part of the VICI project 'The mobilization of political dissatisfaction: causes, content, and consequences', my research aims to understand how discontent framing - a form of framing that features disinformation, populist rhetoric, and uncivil language - is currently shaping the world of modern political communication, both in the traditional and digital media landscape. I do so by combining several research methods, such as machine learning. 

I completed both my bachelor and my master's degree at Eindhoven University of Technology. I cherish a strong interest in computational methods that open up a new world of analyzing political communication. My Master thesis was titled 'Behind the Political Frame: Exploring Visualization Methods to Increase Bias Awareness and Mitigate Framing Effects on Social Media'. Here, I studied how the addition of different data visualizations onto tweets by dutch politicians may or may not influence one's (political) interpretation of that tweet.