dr. WD (Wieke) Pot
Assistant professorFollow me:
Dr. Wieke Pot is assistant professor at the Public Administration and Policy Group at Wageningen University and member of the Netherlands Scientific Climate Council (Wetenschappelijke Klimaatraad). She is specialized in long-term governance in the fields of water management and climate change and graduated in public administration (cum laude MSc. Leiden University, Ph.D. Wageningen University & Research).
Before her academic career, Wieke worked for 6 years in the private sector and had project management, consultancy, and (interim) management roles at a range of public and private sector organizations (a.o. Boer & Croon, AkzoNobel). In her work, Wieke aims to increase understanding of what enables governments to make forward-looking and inter-generational decisions to prepare for climate change and contribute to sustainable and resilient societies. She is work package leader for three granted projects: the JPI Urban Europe project ‘CREATE’ about enhancing local governmental capabilities for a circular built environment, the NWA-ORC ‘RED&BLUE’ project on dealing with climate risks for a resilient infrastructure and real estate, and the NWO-KiC WaterScape project on transformations of water management and governance systems to ensure water quality, fresh water availability and resilience against extreme weather events. She also leads a colloquium on ‘time-sensitive and robust governance’ connected to the Netherlands Institute of Governance (NIG) and is part of the 4TU Resilience engineering programme ‘DeSIRE’.
In her research she works closely together with many societal partners, such as the Dutch Delta programme, water authorities, and infrastructure operators. She is editorial board member of the Dutch journal Water Governance and the International Journal for Water Governance and publishes in high-ranking interdisciplinary and public administration journals. Besides making an impact through teaching students, Wieke is strongly committed to engaging closely with practitioners. She seeks close collaboration with practitioners in research consortia, such as with municipalities in the Netherlands, Sweden and France, the Dutch Delta program, water authorities and real estate actors. To help senior public executives deal with long-term policy problems, she co-developed and teaches a two-day practitioner-course with the Netherlands School of Public Administration.
Contact: wieke.pot@wur.nl
4TU Resilience Engineering: https://www.4tu.nl/resilience/about-us/our-people/wieke-pot/
NGI colloquium on robust and time sensitive governance: https://www.nigovernance.nl/robust-and-time-sensitive-governance/
Dissertation: https://edepot.wur.nl/520563