S (Sungwoong) Jung

S (Sungwoong) Jung


Sungwoong is a Policy Specialist Advisor in agrifood and rural development working for Hongseong County, a local government located in South-Chungchung Province of Korea (Republic of). Also, he is an Associate Professor (adjunct) of Political Economy at Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), taking responsibility for two remote courses of International Political Economy and Sustainable Development at the College of Political Sciences and Public Administration.

He plays a role in facilitating public-private partnerships among central-local governments, entrepreneurs, academicians, civil societies, and rural-urban communities. He has engaged in rebuilding the local governance system by sharing and reconstructing a vision of sustainable rural-urban development with multiple stakeholders. Also, he designs and evaluates various policies for smallholders' farming, their capacity building for community development, and sustainable food production and consumption. 

His Ph.D. project aims to discuss post-productivism as well as post-material discourses on AFNs(Alternative Agrifood Networks) and sustainable rural-urban development, focusing on an emergent actor of Prosumers in-between diverse kinds of relational borders. He has elaborated conceptual and theoretical ideas of the reterritorialization of desiring-production to enlarge the relational scope of alternative spheres in-between agrifood production-consumption, rural-urban, and the earth-human. Some comparative case studies attempt to figure out different rhizomatic places/spaces beyond the temporal consequences of their spatial expansion (time-space compression), in which emerging actors such as Prosumers have engaged. 

Sungwoong received a Master and took a doctorate course from International Graduate Programme for East Asia Sustainable Economic Development Studies at Kyoto University, Japan. Upon academic interests in International Political Economy of Food and Agriculture and Sustainable Development Studies inspired in Kyoto, he has further developed academic professionalism in Scoicological and interdisciplinary approaches in Wageningen.