dr.ir. S (Sitong) Luo
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Sitong Luo is a landscape architect and researcher at the Landscape Architecture & Spatial Planning group, Wageningen University & Research. She is also a research fellow at Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS), where she engages in exploring green infrastructure solutions in urban settings and translates scientific knowledge into real-life living labs with the approach of research by design.
In her research and practice, the focus is given to urban interstitial spaces – the small-scale leftover spaces inside the city that opens for the occupation of diverse informal social practices and ecological processes. Her PhD discusses how can design explore the qualities of these spaces while keeping an indeterminacy for the future. With the knowledge gained from her PhD study, she provides research methods and design instruments that facilitate inclusive, resilient green open spaces in the urban realm and addresses site-specific solutions during urban regeneration processes. Sitong has conducted KIEM research for the urban regeneration of Den Haag Zuidwest, where she works with professionals from academia, field of practice, and Den Haag municipality. Her current research is focusing on the green infrastructure of the city Amsterdam, where she further explores the theme of interstitial urban green spaces.