S (Selma) van der Haar
Research Fellow Centre for International Forestry ResearchSelma van der Haar is a Research Fellow at the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). In 2020, she started her PhD at the Knowledge, Technology and Innovation and the Plant Production Systems Department of Wageningen University. Selma’s research focusses on the livelihood trajectories, agricultural practices and aspirations of tree-crop (cocoa and oil palm) producing smallholders in the Eastern Region of Ghana and aims to inform climate-smart agricultural interventions.
Her research is part of CIFORs Governing Multifunctional Landscapes programme funded by the European Commission. (Co-)promotors of the research are Prof. Dr. Cees Leeuwis, Dr. Maja Slingerland and Dr. George Schoneveld.
Selma holds an MSc. in Development Studies (Wageningen University) and Health Economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam). Prior to joining CIFOR, Selma worked on several impact evaluations of Dutch development programmes as a consultant at APE Public Economics.