S (Sander) Biesbroek PhD

S (Sander) Biesbroek PhD

Assistant Professor

A transition towards healthy and sustainable diets is urgently needed. The diets of 21st century EU citizens need be within the safe operating spaces, i.e. they should (a) comply with guidelines for healthy diets to reduce NCDs, obesity and undernutrition, (b) be sustainable by respecting the planetary boundaries for GHGE and other indicators and (c) are consumer-oriented by complying with regional and national food cultures. In the SHARP-Basic project (2015-19) a data-driven optimization model was developed to formulate diets that are not only Sustainable and Healthy, but that also fit national food cultures, i.e. the diets are Affordable, Reliable and Preferable. This approach modelling approach is the basis of (most) projects Sander is involved in. 

Staff member of the Chairgroup Global Nutrition at WUR (Chairholder prof. Edith Feskens)

Postdoc supervisor withtin the NWA project 'Transitie naar een duurzaam voedselsysteem'. 

Co-promotor of:

- Reina Vellinga (RIVM/WUR): Synergies for policies on healthy and sustainable diets.

- Son Nguyen (WUR): Environmental sustainability of healthier diets in Vietnam.

- Samantha Heerschop (WUR): Protein quality of healthy and environmentally sustainable diets in the Netherlands

- Hongyi Cai and Zhiyao Chang (CAU/WUR): Chinese SHARP diets

- Merel Daas (WUR): EU project Giant Leaps - Gap resolutIon in sAfety, NuTritional, alLergenicity and Environmental assessments to promote Alternative Protein utilization and the dietary Shift

- Leandra Oerter (WUR): EU project Zero Hidden Hunger: addrressing nutrientdeficiencies in Europa, focus on food consumption data, environmental impact, diet transitions, diet optimization/modelling 

Supervisor of Celia Bannenberg in the EWUU seed grant project 'Diets in Dutch hospitals: setting the scene for healthy, planet-proof, affordable, and circular diets'