R (Rosine) Tchatchoua Djomo

R (Rosine) Tchatchoua Djomo


Rosine Tchatchoua Djomo is an external doctoral candidate within the SDC group, and in collaboration with the African Studies Centre (Leiden University). She works on the Grounding Land Governance research program, which investigates post-conflict land governance, land conflicts, and state formation in Uganda, South Sudan, and Burundi. Her PhD research focuses on the intersection between land governance reforms, land conflicts, legal pluralism, and state formation in Burundi. Before that, she was a lecturer and a researcher in agronomy and development studies. In parallel to her doctoral research, Rosine worked as a consultant and a research ethics officer. Rosine obtained her Erasmus Mundus Master of Science degree in development studies from a consortium of European universities, including Ghent University (Belgium), Humboldt University (Germany), Wageningen University and Research (The Netherlands), and others. She also obtained her Master of Engineering degree in Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology from Dschang University (Cameroon). Her research interests include governance, state formation, property rights, policy reform, land tenure, conflict management, natural resource management, agrarian change, and migration.