dr. R (Rodrigo) Romero Silva

dr. R (Rodrigo) Romero Silva

Universitair docent

I'm an Assistant Professor at the Operations Research and Logistics Group. I'm studying the logistics challenges that the traditional food distribution channel, which includes open markets, farmer's markets, and wholesale markets, faces in different regions of the world. I'm convinced that the traditional food distribution channel plays a fundamental role in developing viable local food systems, which, in turn, are critical to reach resilient, fair, and sustainable food systems. We use a combination of approaches to study this topic, ranging from qualitative instruments such as interviews to quantitative modeling using simulation.

In addition, I have experience in modeling stochastic logistics and production systems using discrete-event simulation, which has provided me with some insights regarding the effect of variability on capacitated systems. In this regard, we have studied the performance of serial and merging production lines subject to the variability of production times but also subject to issues in machine reliability.