dr. R (Rico) Lie

dr. R (Rico) Lie

Assistant Professor

Rico Lie (PhD 2000, Catholic University of Brussels) is a social anthropologist working at the research group Knowledge, Technology and Innovation, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He previously worked at the University of Brussels in Belgium and the Universities of Nijmegen and Leiden in The Netherlands. At Wageningen University, he is an assistant professor in international communication with an interest in the areas of development communication and intercultural learning.

Key publications

Lie, R., Acunzo, M., Cardey, S., van de Fliert, E., Tirol, M. S., Witteveen, L., & Samonte, P. (Eds.) (2024). Collaborative change: Towards inclusive rural communication services. Rome: FAO.

Lie, R., van Paassen, A., & Witteveen, L. (2023). Living labs and innovation platforms: A literature review. Penang: CGIAR World Fish.

Smith, S., & Lie, R. (2022). Designing ICTs for development. A Delphi study on problem framing, approach, and team composition. Information Technology for Development, 1–33. doi: 10.1080/02681102.2022.2128286.

Popov, V., Brinkman, D., Fortuin, K. P. J., Lie, R., & Li, Y. (2022). Challenges home and international students face in group work at a Dutch university. European Journal of Engineering Education, 47(4), 664–678. doi: 10.1080/03043797.2022.2044762.

Munthali, N., Van Paassen, A., Leeuwis, C., Lie, R., van Lammeren, R., Aguilar-Gallegos, N., & Oppong-Mensah, B. (2021). Social media platforms, open communication and problem solving in the back-office of Ghanaian extension: A substantive, structural and relational analysis. Agricultural Systems, 190, 103123.

Çakmak, E., Lie, R., Selwyn, T., & Leeuwis, C. (2021). Like a fish in water: Habitus adaptation mechanisms of informal tourism entrepreneurs in Thailand. Annals of Tourism Research, 90, 103262.

Lie, R., Boogaard, B. K., & Witteveen, L. (2021). Towards design principles for diversity sensitive learning. In The Politics of Knowledge in Inclusive Development and Innovation (pp. 134-146). Routledge.

Damtew, E., Van Mierlo, B., Lie, R., Struik, P., Leeuwis, C., Lemaga, B., & Smart, C. (2020). Governing a Collective Bad: Social Learning in the Management of Crop Diseases. Systemic Practice and Action Research. doi: 10.1007/s11213-019-09518-4.

Lie, R., & Witteveen, L. (2019). ICTs for Learning in the Field of Rural Communication. In J. Servaes (Ed.), Handbook of Communication for Development and Social Change (pp. 1–18). Singapore: Springer Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-7035-8_89-1.

Lie, R., & Witteveen, L. (2015). Visual informed consent: informed consent without forms. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. doi: 10.1080/13645579.2015.1116835.

Lie, R., & Servaes, J. (2015). Disciplines in the field of communication for development and social change. Communication Theory, 25(2), 244-258. doi: 10.1111/comt.12065.