R (Raul) Garcia Nieto

R (Raul) Garcia Nieto

PhD Candidate, aquaculture nutrition

  Raul Garcia Nieto is a PhD candidate at the Aquaculture and Fisheries group (AFI) at Wageningen University & Research. He completed his Marine Sciences (BSc) and Aquaculture (MSc) studies in Universitat de Barcelona, specializing in fish nutrition, immunology, pathology, physiology and husbandry (2017-2022). He followed with a 1 year Erasmus in the research center Nofima, Ås in Norway in the Nutrition and Feed Technology department. The research focused in salmonid nutrition, with inclusion of fatty acids in the fish diets, quantifying composition and effects in fish health. During this period, he also was part of Cargill's technical team, taking part in fish samplings all around the Norwegian coast. After his Erasmus, he kept working for Nofima Sunndalsøra, studying blue mussel and algae production, and Nofima Ås in further studies of fish feed supplementation and additives (2023-2024).