PI (Pierina) Rivas
PromovendusDuring my master studies on Aquatic Ecology at Lund University I have specialized in ecotoxicology, thus my master thesis focused on "the direct and indirect effects of nanoplastics in Daphnia magna under natural conditions with a mesocosm approach". From there, my passion developed towards the study of toxicity under realistic conditions. Therefore, I am really excited to carry out the PhD project titled "Extrapolation of ecotoxicological effects in a changing climate" as part of the EU funded QTOX project, under the supervision of Paul van den Brink.This project will aim to determine the robustness of approaches for extrapolation of chemical toxicity in the context of climate change scenarios in central and southern Europe.This will be done by looking at the combined effects of pollutants and different stressors related to climate change on the aquatic environment with the use of mesocosms.