PWG (Peter) Groot Koerkamp
Professor/Chairholder Agricultural Biosystems EngineeringPeter Groot Koerkamp is professor in biosystems engineering and managing chair holder at the Agricultural Biosystems Engineering group of Wageningen University. His fields of expertise are agricultural & biosystems engineering, agricultural systems, animal and plant production systems, environmental engineering & technology, and design of sustainable production systems. He has especially a background in manure & nutrient management and gaseous emissions from farming systems.
Scientific career and background
- MSc degree in agricultural engineering (with honours, 1990)
- PhD degree from Wageningen University on ammonia emission from poultry production systems (1998)
- Scientific researcher and group leader at the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (IMAG 1990-2003)
- Senior project manager at the Institute of Animal Husbandry (ID-DLO; 2001-2012)
- Senior researcher at Wageningen Livestock Research (2013-2021)
- Professor at Wageningen University, Agricultural Biosystems Engineering group, previously named Farm Technology Group (2005-present)
- The Agricultural Biosystems Engineering group has approximately 20 people (assistant/associate professors and lecturers) and supervises >50 PhD students