dr.ir. MJD (Mirjam) Hack-ten Broeke
team manager Soil Water and Land useFollow me:
Mirjam Hack-ten Broeke is team leader of the Soil, Water and Land Use team. We mainly work from three disciplines, namely soil geography, agrohydrology and soil physics. I am mainly involved in the search for solutions for a sustainable and climate-proof design of the soil-water system. Below a number of relevant websites about our research
See below for a number of relevant websites about our research
Bodem, Water en Landgebruik - WUR
www.bodemdata.nl; www.basisregistratieondergrond.nl
www.waterwijzer.nl; https://swap.wur.nl/
www.klimap.nl; www.ejpsoil.eu; Water en bodem sturend - WUR