MCD (Meike) Reusken

MCD (Meike) Reusken

Assistant Professor

Meike Reusken obtained her PhD in Operations Research at the Zero Hunger Lab of Tilburg University (2024). In her PhD thesis, she provides possible solutions to address the complexities and uncertainties of real-world challenges in food security through mathematical optimization and collaboration with food assistance programs. In 2022, Meike conducted a research visit at the Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT) in Montréal, Canada. For the research in Reusken et al. (2023), Meike received the 2024 Analytics for a Better World Award, second place, provided by the Foundation for the Dutch Data Science Awards and KHMW.

Meike's research focuses on developing new methods of optimization under uncertainty and providing practical solutions to real-world challenges faced in humanitarian operations.



Reusken, M., Cruijssen, F., and Fleuren, H. (2023). A food bank supply chain
model: Optimizing investments to maximize food assistance. International
Journal of Production Economics
, 261, 108886.

Reusken, M., Laporte, G., Rohmer, S. U. K., and Cruijssen, F. (2024). Vehicle
routing with stochastic demand, service and waiting times – The case
of food bank collection problems. European Journal of Operational Research,

Reusken, M. (2024). Optimization under uncertainty for food security. [Doctoral Thesis, Tilburg University]. CentER, Center for Economic Research.