MR (Matthew) Jones PhD
PostdocI am a crop modeller, originally from Durban, South Africa. I am delighted to be part of the Center for Crop Systems Analysis as member of a collaborative WUR/Mondelez project, led by Niels Anten. Our aims are to conduct a yield gap analysis using the CASE2 cocoa crop growth simulation model to understand key yield-limiting factors in cocoa production systems; and then to develop a simplified application-focussed cocoa plant growth model for irrigation and fertilisation-related decision support, which is intended to contribute towards improved social, economic and environmental sustainability of cocoa production.
My crop modelling career has been focussed mostly on sugarcane, since 2005. My work has included the development of the DSSAT-Canegro sugarcane model; the application of this and other crop models in sugarcane climate change impact and adaptation assessments, yield gap analyses, and exploring genotype-by-environment interactions; and the development of model-based grower- and extension-focussed decision support tools.