M (Maslim) Maslim

M (Maslim) Maslim

PhD candidate, Externe medewerker

I am interested in the Conservation, Ecology, and Genetics of Indonesian Turtles. Since 2010, I have been actively studying Indonesian freshwater and marine turtles and have been involved in the assessment status of the species at both the global and national levels. I worked for Jaring KuALA as an associate research scientist from 2010-2014 to support the conservation of sea turtles, the coastal community program, and the environmental education program for coastal children in Aceh. I also helped WWF Aceh Marine Program during 2012-2014 in a collaboration program with KuALA related to the sea turtle program in Aceh. I completed my Master's in Animal Bioscience Program at IPB University, focusing on the molecular ecology of herpetofauna species, particularly turtles. During 2016-2020, I joined WCS and have supported setting up two new programs in East Nusa Tenggara and East Kalimantan. I was responsible for coordinating the priority threatened species program on Rote Island to support the reintroduction of the Rote Island Snake-necked turtle.

Currently, I am doing my PhD in Marine Animal Ecology (MAE) and Aquaculture Fisheries (AFI) Group to study the Management, habitat use, and population structure of leatherback turtles in Indonesia. Using ecological niche modelling, stable isotope analyses, and state-of-the-art techniques in genomics, we will investigate the distribution, population demographics, migration patterns, and habitat use of leatherback turtles in Indonesia to provide a solid ecological foundation upon which to base a sound management strategy for leatherback sea turtles in Indonesia. As a visiting researcher, I am also doing part of the project with the Naturalis Biodiversity Center.