M (Marina) Benitez Kanter MSc
PromovendusI am a Biologist and Environmental Economist seeking to design, implement and analyse public policies, actions, and strategies that could conserve natural resources at the time they promote the well-being of the population. I have experience analysing the challenges and opportunities for adopting sustainable practices working with producers, consumers, NGOs, governments and international organizations. My work has focused mainly in biocultural landscapes such as Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia.
Now Im working with diverse stakeholders in the European Union to anayse governance pathways to foster transformative changes agro-food value chains of coffee, cacao and tea towards sustainability.
I believe in transformative change processes and co-designing of policies, strategies and actions. For this, I consider that the inclusion and intergration of diverse stakeholders is crucial for overcoming major problems like Climate Change, forest deforestation and degradation, the adoption of sustainable production practices; gender inequalities and poverty.