dr. L (Lodewijk) van Walraven

dr. L (Lodewijk) van Walraven

WR Onderzoeker

I am a marine ecologist passionate about sustainability, biodiversity, taxonomy and how human-induced changes are affecting marine ecosystems. At NIOZ I studied changes in gelatinous zooplankton (“jellyfish”) communities in Dutch coastal waters by analysing long-term datasets and performing field surveys as well as experiments. Next to that I investigated the possible impact of Blue Energy production on plankton and fish, tested and implemented innovative monitoring of zooplankton using in situ underwater microscopy, and advised on topics ranging from plankton monitoring to invasive species and sustainable fisheries.

Currently I work on research focused on investigating the cumulative impact of human induced stressors on marine ecosystems such as North Sea and Wadden Sea, as well as projects related to zooplankton diversity, ecology and monitoring. 

Experienced in organising research projects, research cruises and monitoring surveys, analysing large datasets, experiments, and species identification/taxonomy of benthos as well as zooplankton and fish.