K (Kim) Janssen
StudieadviseurFollow me:
Environmentalist (Environmental Systems Analysis, WUR) with nearly 10 years experience as project manager and consultant on land- and watermanagement projects in the Netherlands and abroad. I've worked in the coastal regions of Bangladesh, where I advocated climate-smart agriculture and was responsible for tackling project-wide environmental challenges; in South Sudan I helped to get a clear picture of the water- and landrelated challenges in the countryside of Rumbek province and in Mongolia I've organised trainings in the field of natural resources management. I've lived in Indonesia (Jambi, Sumatra) for over two years to work on a peatland restoration project; I was responsible for project management and the coordination of a replanting pilot making use of economically interesting peatland species. Since January 2021 I'm working as study advisor Soil, Water, Atmosphere at WUR. I'm a passionate gardener (edible forest gardens), diver and yogi.