dr.ing. JK (Jenneke) Heising
Opleidingsmanager, TeacherIn my doctoral thesis (https://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Publication-details.htm?publicationId=publication-way-343532393434) I have described how you can monitor food quality by intellgient packaging. My current research activities are therefore mainly within the domain of food packaging. I study the interaction between the package and the quality of foods, currently mainly in the field of active and intelligent packaging. We develop mathematical models to describe, predict and simulate the quality (often shelf life) of foods throughout the whole chain. We study food packaging from a consumer view and management view as well.
Furthermore, I am very active in teaching FQD courses, like "Food Packaging and Design", 'Research topics on food and society: a gamma-beta approach" en "Predicting Food Quality". I have a special interest in innovations on education.
Next I am actively promoting and explaining science for a broader audience throughout the media. This is dedicated to adults, but also to children. I am visible in both written media and television, but also on internet.