JGAJ (Jack) van der Vorst JGAJ (Jack) van der Vorst

Professor of AgriFood Supply Chain Logistics

Professor Jack G.A.J. van der Vorst is Personal Professor of AgriFood Supply Chain Logistics at the Operations Research and Logistics Group of Wageningen University. Until september 2024 he was member of the Board of Directors of Wageningen University & Research and General Director of the Social Sciences Group comprising about 1000 fte in three institutes. Jack was member of the Topteam AgriFood (Captain of Science) and board member of the Top consortium for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI) of Top Sector Agri&Food, The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) and the Supervisory Board of Florensis BV. Jack is member of multiple national and international Advisory Boards. Jack supervised over 20 PhD students and published 200+ academic and business papers. His research focuses on the development of innovative logistics concepts in AgriFood Supply Chain Networks with focus on AgriFood System Design and Analysis, Performance Management Systems, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Strategy & Innovation, and Modelling Frameworks.