dr. FOH (Fee) Smulders

dr. FOH (Fee) Smulders

Promovendus, Externe medewerker

I study ecological interactions in tropical seagrass ecosystems, under supervision of dr. Marjolijn Christianen at the chairgroup Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management. One of our main research topics is the impact of sea turtle grazing on seagrass ecosystem functioning. Together we're part of a large network of scientists studying the impact of climate change on marine plant-herbivore interactions in the Caribbean. Additionally, we make use of drone and cameratag technology to study grazing behavior of large marine herbivores (such as turtles) in coastal ecosystems, we study stressors impacting seagrass ecosystems in the Dutch Caribbean, and lastly we explore ways to efficiently restore seagrass and mangrove plants. You can visit my personal website for regular updates on field trips, publications and more.