Eva Everloo
Eva Everloo is a MSc Nutrition & Health student at Wageningen University & Research specialized in healthy and sustainable food systems. In 2018, she graduated from Maastricht University (NL) and UNSW (Sydney) with an honors BSc degree in life sciences. Eva is driven to help create a regenerative living environment that can sustain our world and future generations. She currently coordinates entrepreneurial projects at the intersection of healthy nutrition, environmental sustainability, circular agriculture and community empowerment. These skills she now implements in projects at the organization Climate Cleanup. Eva strongly believes in the power of education and co-created the MOOC Plant-Based Diets: Food for a Sustainable Future, with which she hopes to inspire learners to rethink their food choices and engage in the protein transition. Eva furthermore leads a Wageningen-based plant-based community and is tutoring nutrition science to undergraduate students at the university.
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