dr. E (Esperanza) Huerta Lwanga

dr. E (Esperanza) Huerta Lwanga

Senior/leader researcher

I obtained my Ph.D. in soil Ecology in Paris, France in 2002, under the guidance of Professor Patrick Lavelle. Since 2003  I have worked as a scientist first in Mexico and after from 2017 at Wageningen University. I study the relationship between earthworms, soil properties, microplastics, and pesticides in different terrestrial environments. I believe that understanding the biology and ecology of soil invertebrates will help on the first steps for enhancing soil restauration. I have supervised > 30 students  (Bsc, Msc and phD).

I have communicated my findings at different occassions through different media (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZMXI6MzXIo)

I had Interviews in newspapers, radio and TV:

In Germany in 2023, an internet interview https://boden-burnout.shorthandstories.com/kapitel-1-bodenlos/

La Radio de  Colmich. Podcast. 25 August 2022. Lombrices de tierra y su importancia en el suelo. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Podcast: "Lombrices de tierra y su importancia en el suelo" - Portal de El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ecosur.mx)

Youtube. 2021. Microplastics in the terrestrial food chain


La I de Campeche. 2021. Interview

Azteca 21. 2018. http://www.azteca21.com/2018/01/29/esperanza-huerta-lwanga-investigadora-del-departamento-de-agricultura-de-el-colegio-de-la-frontera-sur-ecosur-detecta-microplasticos-en-el-alimento-de-los-mexicanos/

La jornada maya. 2018. https://www.lajornadamaya.mx/yucatan/109205/presencia-de-microplasticos-en-la-comida-de-hogares-mayas

Science. 2017. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/351/6277/1039.1

Diario de Yucatán. 2017. http://yucatan.com.mx/imagen/proponen-consumo-consciente

EGU Press Conference. 2017. Microplastics (2017 EGU press conference on microplastics by Esperanza Huerta - WUR).

La Cronica. 2016. http://www.cronica.com.mx/notas/2016/992606.html

La Crónica hoy 2016. https://www.cronica.com.mx/notas-alarmante_la_contaminacion_de_suelos_por_microplasticos-992606-2016.html

NTN24 https://www.ntn24.com/noticias-actualidad/lombrices-consumen-y-transportan-plastico-por-culpa-del-hombre-115017

 and I really think that education is the key for change (workshops together with the Rotary club, in Floriade, The Netherlands, March and September 2022, Stop Plastic Waste Events 2022 | Stop Plastic Waste ) (Microsoft Word - Verslag 17 september 2022 SPW.docx (stopplasticwaste.org)