EA (Emmanuel) Adu-Ampong PhD
LecturerFollow me:
I am an Assistant Professor in the Cultural Geography group and a post-disciplinary researcher with roots in sociology, social work, geography, development studies, international relations, urban studies and planning. I serve as a Co-Editor of the Tourism Planning and Development journal.
I am developing a primary research programme on the geographies of slavery heritage tourism starting with a research project being funded through my NWO (Dutch Research Council) Veni Research Grant for 2021 - 2024. In this research project, I am innovatively combining insights from cultural geography, critical tourism studies and critical heritage studies with passing glances towards cultural studies, memory studies and performance studies. You can watch a short edumentary video that provides an overview of this project here,
In addition to the above, my secondary and tertiary research programmes focuses respectively on sustainable (tourism) development policy and planning, and innovations in qualitative research methods in terms of decolonialisation of knowledge production, researcher positionality and reflexivity, and audio-visual methodologies.
Prior to my current role as Assistant Professor, I was as a Lecturer in Cultural Geography (2019- 2020) at Wageningen University; a Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management at Sheffield Hallam University, UK (2017-2019); a Lecturer in Tourism Management at the University of Lincoln, UK (2016-2017); and an Associate Lecturer in Tourism Management at Sheffield Hallam University, UK (2015-2016),
For further info check my personal website: https://emmanueladuampong.com/ and follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/AduAmpong_EA
My research publications and outputs can be accessed here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=abvhCDEAAAAJ&hl=en
In terms of MSc thesis and PhD supervision, I am interested in supervising studies on topics related to my research programmes including but not limited to such broad areas as:
- Slavery heritage tourism practices and performances
- Interpretation, commemoration and commodification in (slavery) heritage tourism
- Sustainable tourism development
- Tourism policy and planning
- Tourism-poverty reduction nexus
- Urban green space, leisure and tourism
- International development planning
- Decolonisation of research and knowledge production
- Innovative audiovisual methodologies
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