EMM (Edwin) Ramadhan
PhD researcherFollow me:
Edwin Mahatir Muhammad Ramadhan is a PhD researcher at the Public Administration and Policy Group of Wageningen University and Research. He holds a BSc in Agribusiness and an MSc in Regional and Rural Development Planning from IPB University, Indonesia. Before receiving Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Scholarship (LPDP) for his PhD project, he works as a Policy Analyst at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, the Republic of Indonesia. He was involved in developing several national regulations and policies, such as the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO), the National Action Plan for Sustainable Palm Oil, the palm oil replanting program for the smallholder, the mandatory biodiesel, and the updating Indonesian palm oil map. In addition, he was responsible for international cooperation on palm oil issues and international organizations, namely the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC).
Throughout his work experiences, he perceived the emergence of new forms of global governance in the sustainable production of global commodities such as palm oil, soy, timber, coffee, and cocoa, which compelled these commodities to generate greater positive or reduced negative impacts on economic, environmental, and social. The increasing environmental consciousness of consumers urges exporting countries to implement sustainability regulations and governance of the commodities they export. Building a better understanding between the consuming and producing countries requires a common concept that could interpret sustainability diplomacy. Nevertheless, there are limitations to the scientific literature and debate regarding sustainability diplomacy. Moreover, there could be a knowledge gap in international relations studies regarding sustainability diplomacy. Hence, developing a shared notion of sustainability diplomacy is critical.
Against this backdrop, Edwin's PhD project focuses on Southern countries' strategies, networking, and governance to address the EU laws and regulations on renewable energy, deforestation-free products, and sustainability due diligence.
Should you be interested and want to discuss this further, please feel free to contact edwin.mahatir@wur.nl