dr. DL (Diede) Maas

dr. DL (Diede) Maas


I am a lecturer at the Marine Animal Ecology (MAE) chair group. I also am the education contact person, which means students can contact me if they are interested in doing a research project at our group. Currently I am working on designing a theoretical Scientific Diving course and I am working on various courses for the Bachelor Marine Sciences.

Academic career:

I studied Marine Biology at Wageningen University where I worked on Portuguese man o' war morphology, effects of flatworms on soft corals, and mussel morphology from marine lakes in Indonesia. I continued the work on different populations in Indonesian marine lakes during my PhD. I was the first PhD candidate at the MAE group, starting right after its beginning in 2015. I studied population genetics, morphology and Island Biogeography Theory in the marine lakes, using a species of mussel, jellyfish and mussel. After my PhD I got the opportunity to join MAE as permanent staff.

Personal interests:

I am interested in the analysis and visualisation of all types of data. I think it's important to create visually engaging depictions of our research to spark the interest of fellow researchers and the public alike!