DL (Dayo) Jansen MSc
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During my student years I was fascinated by the huge variety of applications the animal kingdom can offer to seemingly impossible technical and engineering questions. These solutions are based on the millions of years of evolution animals gone through to counter all the specific problems that nature has thrown their way. My goal is to unravel these solutions using the latest modelling systems and tracking software available.
Currently I am conducting a PhD at the Experimental Zoology Chairgroup of Wageningen University & Research. My goal is to understand the mechanisms behind in-flight escape behaviour of moths caused by auditory cues from their predators. Together with various parties from Wageningen University & TU Delft and the industrial partner PATS indoor drones solutions, I want to use this information to improve the effectiveness of drone-based pest control in horticulture. By doing this, I aim to use fundamental knowledge in an applied greenhouse environment to reduce the need for pesticides and improve bio-inspired drone designs.