B (Britt) Basel MSc

B (Britt) Basel MSc


Britt is currently researching community-based adaptation measures for the water sector, focusing on small-scale interventions that may decrease local drought risk and increase local groundwater availability. Her research builds on experience spanning 21 years and 44 countries as an applied researcher and technical expert, specializing in climate change and disaster risk reduction policy and community-engagement. She has published 3 peer-reviewed papers and a book chapter on climate change adaptation in the Pacific region and Latin America. She has been the lead or contributing author on 12 technical/project reports. Britt has worked across scales from supporting the development of climate policy to assisting national park directors to implement adaptation activities to aiding community-level climate change committees to develop and implement adaptation and disaster risk reduction plans. Britt is an instructor for Harvard’s Youth Climate and Global Health Summit and an instructor/adjunct for accredited field courses on climate change policy, resilience and disaster risk reduction for Oberlin College, Northern Michigan University and Sterling College Vermont. As a photographer and visual storyteller, Britt has taught for National Geographic for 13 years, has various international publications and has produced two short films. MSc Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (Colorado State University, USA); MSc Conservation Leadership with distinction (ECOSUR, Mexico); BA Anthropology with honors (University of Colorado, USA).