dr. AA (Augustine) Ayantunde
Senior Researcher Animal ProductionI am interested in research for development impact in the broad areas of animal agriculture, climate smart agriculture and food security in sub-Saharan Africa. I have over 20 years of international experience in research areas such as livestock-related strategies for sustainable intensification of crop-livestock systems; participatory design and evaluation of climate smart agricultural technologies in smallholder farming systems; landscape analysis of feed resources; participatory analysis and evolution of pastoral systems particularly in the Sahel, and monitoring of natural resource use in agro-pastoral systems including conflict management. I have developed and managed many bilateral projects in many sub-Sahara African countries on issues such as sustainable intensification of smallholder farming systems, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change by smallholder farmers, landscape analysis of feed resources, natural resource management in agro-pastoral systems, livestock-water interactions, and technical and social innovations for development of livestock value chain. In addition to research for development project activities, I have also undertaken a few short-term consultancy and advisory services. I have authored and co-authored about 200 scientific papers, book chapters, conference contributions, technical reports and briefs.