prof. ARH (Arthur) van Zanten
Special ProfessorProf. Dr. Arthur R. H. van Zanten, MD Ph.D.
Department of Intensive Care, Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Ede,
Division Nutrition & Health, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen,
The Netherlands
Professor Arthur van Zanten is internist-intensivist and Chair of the Department of Intensive Care and ICU Research in Gelderse Vallei Hospital in Ede, and professor of Nutrition and Metabolic Stress by special appointment at Wageningen University & Research, in The Netherlands since June 2019.
Dr van Zanten graduated (cum laude) from the Medical School of the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1988. After training in Internal Medicine in Rotterdam, he followed a fellowship in Intensive Care Medicine, at the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam.
In 2008, Dr van Zanten successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Free University of Amsterdam on Infectious Complications in Critically Ill Patients, with a particular focus on clinical, pharmacological and economic aspects.
He was involved in the organizational aspects of Dutch Intensive Care and Internal Medicine for many years and served as Secretary of the Executive Board of the Netherlands Society of Intensive Care Medicine (NVIC) and Council member of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM). He lead the Surviving Sepsis Campaign in The Netherlands. At present he is chair of the Section Intensive Care of the Netherlands Society on Internal Medicine.
He was Managing Editor of the Netherlands Journal of Critical Care for ten years. He is a reviewer for numerous journals such as Lancet, Am J Resp Crit Care Med, Crit Care, Intensive Care Med, JPEN, and Clin Nutr. For Clin Nutr is also Associate Editor. He has organized over 250 medical congresses.
Over the last years, his interest has moved towards Critical Care Nutrition with particular interest in immune-modulating nutrition, protein needs and timing, mitochondrial dysfunction and refeeding syndrome. He is a member of the Working Group on Gastrointestinal Failure of the ESICM and the Practice Guideline Committee of ESPEN for Critical Care Nutrition for adults and member of the executive board of NESPEN.
He was the coordinating investigator of the MetaPlus immune-nutrient enteral nutrition trial of which the results were published in JAMA. He is the author of the Chapter on Critical Care Nutrition in the newest standard work Textbook of Critical Care Medicine. He has published many publications on nutrition and metabolism in peer-reviewed journals over the last years. He is (co)promotor and scientific coach for many (inter)national medical and nutrition University students, nurses and doctors focussing on nutritional support in critically ill patients from Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Utrecht, Free University Amsterdam and Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands. Several of these researchers have and will defend Ph.D. theses and have published highly cited articles in peer-reviewed journals under his leadership.
In the period 2011-2020 he gave more than 400 lectures on Critical Care Nutrition and Sepsis in 29 countries. Among these, he was an invited keynote speaker at meetings of ESPEN, ASPEN, ISICEM, ESICM, BRASPEN, Ganepao, DAPEN, CSPEN, CSCCM and the Middle-East ICU Nutrition Summit.