WUR organises dialogues on socially sensitive topics
Climate change, the energy transition, the future of agriculture: Wageningen University & Research deals with topics that make the news every day. These are sensitive topics, which can lead to fierce discussions inside and outside of Wageningen. This is why WUR organises Let's Explore sessions, in which students, researchers and other staff meet and exchange views. On Tuesday 6 June, a session on cooperation with the fossil industry took place.
The Let's Explore sessions started in 2022 to facilitate dialogues on social topics of concern to Wageningen staff and students. The first series of sessions focussed on nitrogen, followed by a series on contract research. The sessions about nitrogen took place in the summer of 2022, when the debate on this sensitive topic reached a boiling point in the Netherlands. Researchers, staff and students from different corners of WUR had the opportunity to meet and share their diverse perspectives.
Read the report of the Let's Explore session on 6 June:
Working with the fossil industry?
Between March and June 2023, cooperation between WUR and companies in the fossil fuel industry was on the agenda. This topic raises a lot of emotions. Attendance was high: every session in this series on the fossil industry was attended by 100 to 150 people. Concerned students brought banners and handed out flyers. The meetings were attended by President of the Executive Board Sjoukje Heimovaara and Rens Buchwaldt, member of the Executive Board. The Executive Board will use the insights gained during the Let's Explore sessions to consider the criteria for cooperation with the fossil industry.

'It is important to see that emotions can play a role when discussing "controversial" topics,' said Inge Wallage, director of communications at WUR. Wallage was one of the initiators of Let's Explore and facilitated the meetings. 'People are asked to come and truly listen to the other, to other insights and values, not just to share their own idea or thesis. Hence the title: Let's Explore.'
Topics that need attention
WUR plans to continue the Let's Explore sessions after the summer. The topics of the upcoming sessions have not been determined yet, says Wallage: 'We are keeping an eye on what is going on in society, as well as topics within WUR that require attention.'
Before the summer holidays, the Executive Board will make a decision on cooperation with the fossil industry, using input from the Let's Explore sessions.