
WUR Library in 2024 at a glance

March 13, 2025

In a compact summary, we've gathered the facts and figures of the Library's key services in 2024. We're proud of our achievements and milestones over the past year. They reflect our commitment to excellence in providing reliable scholarly information services for research & education at WUR.


Secured grants, a Library AI bot & more

The statistics in the infographic reflect the usage of WUR Library’s services. In addition to what is captured in these numbers, the Library secured several grants in open science, research data management, open education, and e-learning. We established a vision for our Library Platform to prepare for the transition to the new WUR website. Also, AI made its debut in the Library, with our tech specialists testing an AI bot and sharing valuable information about AI and scientific information searches.

Aftermath October fire

The fire at the Forum in October remains a vivid memory. Luckily, everyone stayed safe, and the fire caused no damage to the collections. However, the necessary repairs to the building reduced the study room's availability for students for a few weeks, and the scheduled Special Collections exhibition had to be postponed. Despite these challenges, we continued to enhance our services and resources to support our academic community.

Trusted partner

Providing reliable scholarly information services is our core task. From meticulously maintaining our print & digital collections, to organising engaging library dialogues and workshops, and creating an engaging and inclusive study space: in 2025, we continue to support researchers, teachers and students at WUR!