
WUR Dialogue Programme on societal dilemmas. What would you like to discuss?

January 21, 2022

What does the future of agriculture look like? What will we eat in the future? How to make nature flourish? Big questions, no simple answer. And also questions that involve many dilemmas. We would like to know what questions you have. What do you think we should discuss by means of a Dialogue between science, policy makers, business and society?

Wageningen Dialogues Programme

If we want to find an answer to these issues and at the same time respect all different opinions and interests, we need dialogue. A dialogue to explore all those different perspectives. 

Many researchers are already in close contact with farmers, policy-makers, nature conservationists, food producers, supermarkets - and so on. With a diversity of scientific insights and perspectives, WUR will activate these dialogues between science, policy makers, companies and also society in the Wageningen Dialogues programme.

At the end of January, a first selection of topics will be made by our Wageningen Dialogues programme panel. This panel represents various disciplines, expertises and backgrounds within WUR. We welcome your ideas and input for these dialogues. We cannot guarantee that we will discuss all topics on the short term, but we will certainly value your input.

Read more about Wageningen Dialogues

Opening Dialogue Center, named Omnia, Wageningen Campus

After the opening on June 1, 2022 of our Dialogue Center, named Omnia, on  Wageningen Campus, everyone is welcome to meet and engage in dialogue during scientific events and other gatherings. Only by listening carefully to different visions and perspectives we will arrive at new insights and come up with solutions.