
‘Why do people eat what they eat and how can you influence their eating behaviour?’

December 24, 2021

How does the human body work? What's in food? And what effects does nutrition have on the body? Nutrition & Health students share their passion and are keen to explain how they can find solutions to major current problems.

Nutrition & Health students are well aware that their education helps to solve everyday problems. Just think of the immense increase in national obesity rates. As future nutritionists, they want to ensure that people get healthy and stay that way. For example, they will research the construction and the way the body functions and the food that people eat; from molecules to calories. According to them, there is nothing like working on these subjects in an institute where food researchers regularly make global news.

Experts from experience

What is studying Nutrition & Health at WUR like? Who better to tell you about it than two experts; students Marieke Verbakel and Marijn Hesselink.

Marieke Verbakel

"I enjoyed myself immensely right from the introduction days," says Marijn. During her studies, she also had the opportunity to act as an assistant on the Prospective Students' Days and was a study coach. Her tip? "Ask students lots of questions."

We were allowed to do our own research from the second year, and it was a lot of fun. We used other students on the course as test subjects, and we did things like actually going for blood tests.

"You receive good personal guidance," says Marijn. In the third year as well, when you choose what you get to do. "That gives you the chance to further explore what you like and what you want to continue with."

I loved the food behaviour course in the second year. It was exactly my area of interest: why do people eat what they eat, what environmental factors affect people’s choices and how can you influence their eating behaviour?