Two new projects obtained by Karrar Mahdi, SLM Group
Two new projects were obtained by our colleague Dr. Karra Mahdi, from Soil Physics and Land Management Group. The projects are part of Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) which is funded by the Netherlands' Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic, the projects will be hold during July 2023-August 2024.
Project 1: Enhancing Sustainable Agriculture: Building capacity of Palestinian HEIs in Innovative Water Technologies and Practices (ESA) (Palestine territories)
Aim: This programme aims to respond to the requesting organisation by strengthen the capacities of the staff of An Najah National University and Hebron University, and other organisations.
Both universities had benefited from previous Orange Knowledge Program projects, so this TMT+ will build on the results gained by providing several trainings on the topics of soil and water management, micro- irrigation, climate-smart agriculture and, water governance and water value. All trainings are aimed at providing the participants with experience and knowledge on innovative solutions for water and agriculture issues.
The project is led by SLM group in WUR and the trainings will be provided by 2 groups in WUR, SLM and plant science groups (PSG-WUR) and Nectaerra company.
Project 2: Capacity building for water experts' network and integrated entrepreneurship (Iraq)
Aim: This programme aims to respond to the requesting organisations by strengthen the capacities of the staff of Salahaddin and Kerbala universities, and also of other organisations to be more capable to adapt to the water scarcity and soil problems to increase agricultural production.
Both universities had benefited from previous Orange Knowledge Program projects (TMT+ and ICP-Iraq), so this TMT+ will build on the results gained by providing several trainings on the topics Climate-smart irrigation, salinity, soil management, enhancing agricultural production trainings. Besides to mentioned trainings, the project will offer a tailored entrepreneurship course which will support the universities to produce graduates with an
entrepreneurial mind-set and capable of creating their own enterprises. This TMT+ also create a network for the experts of Climate Smart Agriculture in Iraq, which will help water and soil experts to promote collaboration, innovation, and sustainability, leading to long-term benefits for the Iraqi society and the environment.