To go or not to go: International travel during and after Corona
As the Corona crisis was gearing up in the spring, a range of papers and at least two journal theme issues (Tourism Geographies and ATLAS) were produced reflecting on the future of tourism during and after the Corona crisis. In popular media, predictions abound, but now at the start of the 2020 vacation period, it seems as if the growth paradigm of tourism is set to prevail. Hitherto international travel has quickly resumed in the wake of crisis and as societies adjust to the reality of the virus’s presence, travel now resumes. But what will be the dynamics thereof? Prof. dr. Edward H. Huijbens speculates with OneWorld on what might happen in the weeks and months to come. We have an opportunity to re-orient our preferences with the rupture the Corona situation presents, but will that have any lasting impact? Link to the article (in Dutch).