The New EU Vision for Agriculture and Food: Sustainability versus Competitiveness – The Perspective of the European Council of Young Farmers
With the new EU mandate, a shift in priorities is emerging in agricultural and food policy. Keywords such as competitiveness and simplification are gaining traction, while the Green Deal agenda of the previous mandate appears to be fading into the background. At the same time, agriculture has taken a more prominent position on the EU agenda, particularly following the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture, announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in response to the farmers’ protests of 2023 and 2024 and Hansen’s 100-day vision of Agriculture and Food.
The New EU Vision for Agriculture and Food: Sustainability versus Competitiveness – The Perspective of the European Council of Young Farmers
Speaker: Peter Meedendorp, President of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA - European council of young farmers)
When:Wednesday, 26 February 2025
Time: 12:00-13:00
Where: Room B63, Leeuwenborch Building
This seminar explores how the new EU leadership is shaping agricultural policy through the lens of young farmers. Was the Strategic Dialogue merely a continuation of past discussions, or does it signal a new consensus on the future of European agriculture? Will the European Commission continue to drive sustainability efforts through, or will the market take on a greater role through mechanisms such as CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) and ETS (Emissions Trading System)? How will the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform be influenced by the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)?
From the perspective of CEJA, the European Council of Young Farmers, this seminar will provide insights into how young farmers view the new European Commission agenda and what they believe is needed to ensure their future.