Reflections by Omid Noroozi: Symposium on Feedback in Higher Education organized by the 4TU Centre for Engineering Education
The recent symposium on feedback in higher education On December 2, 2024 brought together insightful perspectives from experts, sparking rich discussions on formative assessment, peer feedback, and innovative practices.
Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke focused on the importance of integrating formative assessment into curriculum design and highlighted the value of assessment as learning. Judith Gulikers elaborated on a common challenge in formative assessment: successfully completing the final step of the cycle—“Taking follow-up action: adapting teaching and learning”. Omid Noroozi also explored the diverse aspects of how peer feedback is received and used in higher education. Specifically, Omid emphasized on how various feedback features (how the feedback is provided) and scope (what the feedback is about) affect students’ uptake of peer feedback. Furthermore, I discussed how feedback features (cognitive, affective, and metacognitive features) predict students’ feedback uptake behaviors (accept, elaborate, modify, or no feedback uptake) across different feedback scope (high- and low-level issues). Omid also discussed strategies for supporting students in effectively utilizing peer feedback through GenAI prompts, and presented findings on why, how, and for what reasons students use or ignore GenAI in both providing and receiving peer feedback in higher education.
This symposium was not only a space for sharing research and ideas but also a platform for meaningful exchange. The symposium was followed by a PhD defence focusing on peer feedback in higher education, specifically exploring the role of motivation in enhancing its effectiveness. Omid was honored to serve as the opponent for this well-designed and meticulously executed PhD thesis. A special congratulations to Dr. Priyanka Pereira on successfully defending her thesis! A heartfelt thank you to Cindy Poortman, Kim Schildkamp, Stijn Heukels, and the entire organizing team for hosting such an inspiring event.