
PhD defence Bahadir Can Güz

January 18, 2022

At January 5, 2022, Bahadir Can Güz successfully defended his PhD thesis named “Healthy Bones for Broiler Chickens” in the aula of Wageningen University and Research.

In this thesis, he investigated effects of incubation temperature, the use of light during incubation, pen enrichment and the use of organic macro and trace minerals on the development and quality of leg bones in broiler chickens. Additionally, he investigated effects of these treatments on leg disorders at slaughter age of both regular and slower growing broiler chickens. Results demonstrated that particularly organic macro minerals (Ca, P) had a large influence on leg bone quality, even when they were provided to slow growing broiler breeders, showing that also transgenerational effects might play a role in leg bone development of broilers.

You can watch his defence via this site.

A copy of the thesis is available via this site.