New interdisciplinary research initiatives to tackle SDG
The Interdisciplinary Research and Education Fund (INREF) of Wageningen University has granted five new seed money projects. As the importance to collaborate across disciplines and countries is growing, INREF stimulates initiatives for interdisciplinary research. All granted projects have a focus on tackling the Sustainable Development Goals together with partners in low and middle income countries. The modest budget is devoted to develop a full programme proposal, either for INREF or another relevant call.
Resilience of Marine Protected Parks
The project ‘Building the resilience of Marine protected areas in an age of growing tourism and climate change’ with partners in Indonesia and the Caribbean focusses on several SDGs like SDG 14 (life below Water) and SDG 13 (Climate Change). Tourism is considered an important sector relevant to reaching several SDGs in small island developing states (SIDS) and archipelagic states (UNDP-UNWTO 2017). For instance, in relation to decent work, economic growth (SDG8) and responsible consumption and production (SDG12). (Coordinator Lisa Becking)
Biodiversity for food
The project ‘Biodiversity for food: cultivating resilience for planetary health’ with partners in Brazil places its efforts on SDG 15 ‘Life on Land’, SDG13 ‘Climate Action’, and SDG 1 ‘No Poverty’. Cornerstone of the project is an understanding of the cross-relationship between biodiversity and food production in Brazil. Furthermore the project aims to support the development of an accessible market channel to smallholder farmers while reducing risks and uncertainties (SDG 1).
(Coordinator Filipe Cunha)
Seed system transformation
Enabling responsible seed system transformation through gendered feedback at scale: enhancing information provision through ‘tricot trials’ and complementary methods and strategies with global partners like CGIAR and local partners from Eastern Africa and possibly India. The project relates to 5 (gender equality) and 10 (reduced inequalities). By addressing these, the project will also impact on 1 (no poverty), 2 (zero hunger) and 13 (climate action). (Coordinator Cees Leeuwis)
Living with fire
The project ‘Living with fire – linking North and South’ links with various gobal partners such as FAO and IAWF. The project predominantly targets SDG 15 (Life on Land), 13 (Climate Action), and 11 (Sustainable Communities), as Living with Fire will promote the sustainable management of terrestrial ecosystems, mitigate adverse effects of climate change, and promote resilience and adaptation of communities. (Coordinator Cathelijne Stoof)
Sahel solutions
In the context of the Sahel almost all SDGs have relevance, because of the challenging development situation in the Sahelian countries. This programme ‘New solutions for the Sahel: interdisciplinary research on agricultural innovation, spatial planning and institutional reform (NSS)’ though primarily speaks to SDG 1-3, 10, 13, 15-16, with food security, inequality, and peace, justice and strong institutions having a pivotal role. (Coordinator Han van Dijk)