Dr Rene Haijema receives a service award for his activities for the International Society of Inventory Research (https://isir.hu)
Dr. Rene Haijema receives a service award.
End of August Dr Rene Haijema received a service award for his activities for the International Society of Inventory Research (https://isir.hu). The award was handed over by the founder of ISIR, and the former Hungarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Attilla Chikan. Rene has been organizing for over 10 years a successful track on Sustainable Inventory Management at the bi-annual conference of ISIR. Furthermore, he is member of the executive committee of ISIR and has served as guest editor for the European Journal on Production Economics.
The biannual international conference of ISIR is a great place to learn about the state of the art of inventory research. This year Rene presented some results of the EU project ZEROW (see www.zerow-project.eu) that aims at reducing food waste. The research shows by mathematical modelling how retailers can both reduce food waste and increase profit by smart discounting food products that are close to the expiration date. The research presented at ISIR is joint work with Renzo Akkerman and Msc student Lisan Duivestijn.