
Circular@WUR: Contribute ideas on sustainable living in 2050

February 8, 2022

Scientists, entrepreneurs and executives share their views on the circular, sustainable society of the future during the Circular@WUR congress from 11 to and including 13 April. In addition to inspiring lectures, there will be workshops and masterclasses, and innovative businesses will open their doors to visitors.

A transition towards a circular, bio-based, climate-smart society is the solution to many of the current societal challenges. Circular systems limit the loss of resources and cause minimal impact on the climate, thus providing solutions for critical issues such as food security and sufficient potable water for all. Only thus will we be able to live within our planet’s means.

Topics, keynotes and masterclasses

How does circularity impact our living environment? How far along are we in the transition towards a circular household in 2050? During Circular@WUR: Living within planetary boundaries, we offer a diverse programme with relevant, impactful keynotes by Wageningen University & Research (WUR) scientists such as Imke de Boer and Hans van Meijl, as well as by guest speakers such as Jacqueline Cramer of the Utrecht Sustainability Institute, Bob Hendrix, Chief Commercial Officer at ABN AMRO Investment Solutions and Helmut Haberl of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Austria.

The different sessions will explore the following topics in-depth:

Icon cow Society icon house Partnerships

Masterclasses and workshops, and thus the exchange of knowledge, form an essential part of the programme. Excursions to businesses ranging from various WUR departments to the Farm of the Future and Unilever (Waste to Value) also focus on sharing the latest insights.