Aska Goverse is the new chair of the EPS Educational Committee
It’s a pleasure to introduce myself as the new chair of the EPS Educational Committee from the 1st of September onwards. My name is Aska Goverse and I am an Associate Professor (ius promovendi) working as a staff member at the Laboratory of Nematology (Plant Science Group, WU).
I started my academic career in the field of molecular plant-pathogen interactions focusing on the question of how plant-parasitic nematodes can manipulate plant roots for their own benefit. Together with my research team we later started to explore also how plants defend themselves against root-feeding nematodes by studying the mechanisms underlying nematode detection and the activation of the plant immune system to improve crop resistance. More recently, we expanded our focus on the chemical communication between nematodes and their host plant roots for the development of novel pathogen-informed control strategies. Often, the research involves fruitful collaborations with other EPS members in and outside WUR. As a supervisor, I really enjoy the interactions and discussions with my team members and aim to stimulate PhD students, post-docs and technicians to get the best out of themselves. For the same reason, I also enjoy being an EPS mentor (formerly known as external supervisor) and to see people grow as young scientists during their PhD. Therefore, I am looking now forward to make a valuable contribution to the training and development of young researchers in the upcoming years as chair of the EPS Educational Committee together with the other members and in close collaboration with the PhD and and PD councils.