
And the Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award in Hydrology goes to…

December 5, 2022

And we keep on celebrating at WSG! Congratulations to our colleague Inge de Graaf who just won the European Geosciences Union (EGU) Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award in the Hydrology Division. The EGU honors Inge and the winners from other divisions for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary and space sciences.

For Inge in particular, the award committee recognized her outstanding contributions to large-scale hydrology and groundwater modelling. They were also impressed by her great career, the quality and originality of her work. They will be celebrated during the EGU General Assembly 2023, which will be held from 23–28 April.

I feel very honored to receive this award. I am grateful to all my mentors and colleagues over the past few years who have all inspired me to come up with new research ideas. I hope I can also be an inspiration to many other early career scientists
Inge de Graaf

Inge’s current research focusses on groundwater availability and sustainable use for food and environment worldwide. In the latest GROW project (GROundWater sustainability and crop production) for example, the team studies the current and future trade-offs between groundwater needed for crop production and the environment and will quantify how much groundwater is sustainably available globally. This is important, because with this information we can explore possible adaptation towards sustainable groundwater use worldwide – something urgently necessary. Every step forward is important, so we agree with the EGU that the effort of Inge and her colleagues is worth celebrating!