Vision for Education

In our new Vision for Education 2025 we express our ambition to educate students and professionals who are able to analyse to develop new knowledge, and to analyse and tackle challenges in our domain through their up-to-date scientific qualifications, with the aid of advanced skills.

We empower responsible change makers for science and society.

To propel realization of this mission forward, three main directions have been identified, each focusing on a different aspect of education:

Direction 1: Towards ownership for personal development

We put the student and their development central to our education.

Direction 2: Towards an inspiring learning community

We sketch the context in which learning takes place as a joint venture of the whole academic community.

Direction 3: Towards a curriculum in touch with the world around us

We aim for agility in the contents of our education, basing our curriculum on developments in science and society.

The complete text is available as a printed booklet and as an interactive pdf-file.