Tips for students going abroad
This pages provides you with some tips concerning your safety and health while abroad, about English language certificates and about financial matters (including the Erasmus+ grant, insurance, DUO, Nuffic & WilWeg) and HousingAnywhere.
Safety and Health
Of course we hope that your exchange period will be without any problems regarding your safety. And most likely this will be the case. However it is wise to acquaint yourself with the host country before your departure. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands gives travel advice by country. This website is in Dutch, Ministries of other countries will have similar information on their websites.
Further advises:
- Stay informed about the situation in the country and read all the advises in advance:https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/reisadviezen
- Download the travel-app on your mobile phone:https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/reisadviezen/vraag-en-antwoord/app-bz-reisadvies
- Registration with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is recommended:https://www.kompas.buzaservices.nl/registration/
- Stay in touch. Inform family, friends of any travel plans, and any changes of your address, itinerary or phone number.
- Keep your host and home university coordinators informed about your well-being in case of calamities
- The usual health preparations regarding prophylaxes and vaccinations if you go to a tropical country. Please contact the Vaccination Centre for advice:http://www.vaccinatiecentrum.nl/index.php/en/
English language certificates
All non-EU partners and some EU partners require you to hand in an English language certificate. Wageningen in'to Languages offers students The Oxford Online Placement Test. Click here for more information.
Financial matters
Erasmus+ Grant
The Erasmus+ programme supplies exchange students from EU - going for an exchange within EU - with an Erasmus+ scholarship, see conditions for study & for internship/thesis. For advice, please contact one of the departmental exchange coordinators or the Erasmus administrators. If you do a language course before your exchange which is relevant for your exchange, there are possibilites to get a grant for this as well.
There are possibilities to get a free travel/luggage insurance - for more information go to the SSC student desk. Check if this insurance is sufficient for your preferences.
Moreover, check if your health insurance covers you when you are on exchange.
DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs)
You can get a public transport compensation in exchange for your 'reisproduct OV-chipkaart' with your weekend or week subscription while you are abroad for study purposes. For more information and tips see: https://duo.nl/particulieren/student-hbo-of-universiteit/buitenland/tijdelijk-in-het-buitenland.asp. Go to SSC to get your documents signed.
Nuffic & WilWeg
The Dutch government has bilateral relations contracts with around 40 countries (also outside the EU). These contracts may be the basis for students to follow courses or do research abroad. Nuffic (the organisation for international cooperation in education) can supply you with more information through Nuffic. Other scholarships can be found through wilweg.nl.
MSc in France If you have a BSc degree from a Dutch university you can apply for a scholarship (of about 7000Euro for one year) for a MSc in France. For details see ambafrance-nl or contact Vincent Jouanolou - 020 53 19 546.
Housinganywhere has a small amount of scholarships available for students that wish to stay one month longer in the guest country after their exchange. For more information and to register please surf to the Facebook site of housing anywhere.
Post your room on HousingAnywhere.com
Students that want to rent out their room, can use the housing platform www.HousingAnywhere.com. This webpage is developed in order to bring demand & supply of student accommodation better together. This website is free to use and it operates on a full student-to-student basis, without intermediaries.