ESA Angers - Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture d'Angers

L’Ecole Supérieure des Agricultures (ESA) is a multidisciplinary private Institute of Higher Education and Research founded in 1898 and specialising in Agriculture, Agronomy, Food Science, Viticulture & Enology, Environment and Agribusiness. More than 3,200 students are currently studying at ESA – including 900 engineering students and 200 foreign students from more than 35 different countries.

Angers has been an important centre of horticulture since the 19th century. With more than 300,000 inhabitants, of whom 42,000 are students, Angers is a very green town, noted for its culture and diverse activities.
ESA Angers

General information

Academic calendar First semester: September - January; Second semester: January - June
Language of instruction French (some English)
Areas of agreement Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Technology & Nutrition, Environmental Sciences
Erasmus code F ANGERS08

Overview of partners and agreements

Further information
